Sabtu, 06 Februari 2010

You - Ten 2 Five

You did it again
You did hurt my heart
I don't know how many times

You... I don't know what to say
You've made me so desperately in love
And now you let me down

You said you'd never lie again
You said this time would be so right
But then I found you were lying there by her side

You.. You turn my whole life so blue
Drowning me so deep, I just can reach myself again
You.. Successfully tore myheart
Now it's only pieces
Nothing left but pieces of you

You frustated me with this love
I've been trying to understand
You know i'm trying i'm trying

You.. I don't know what to say
You've made me so desperately in love
And now you let me down

fried-day or friday?

Holla bloggerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs;---D hihihihi udah lama ya ga ngeblog eyak okayoky sebenernya gue mau ceritain pas hari jumat sih hihi kenapakenapaaaaaaaaaa?soalnya hari jumat kemaren ya lagi gaseruserunyaaaaaaa soalnya tementemen gue hampir semuanya osis dan ldks gue hanya ditinggal berdua sama ditaaaaa ahuhuhu sedihnyaaa-_-okaaay jadi kan gue masuk sekolah seperi biasa apel dan blablabla nah pas abis apel kan olahraga bebas yaudah tuh gue ke tempat tementemen gue checking their pack ajaaaa disana kan gue mainmain say goodbye dulu doooooong ahahaha and honestly,pasti gue kangen banget sama mereka padahal mereka cuma sampe hari sabtu doaaaaaaaang-________________-aaaa tetep ajaaa dan terbukti pas mereka mau pergi gue......nangis-_-huaaa lebeamat tapi beneraaaaaaaaaaan aaaagatau kenapaaaa mana pas dikelas tuh sepiiiiiibanget gue maun cuma sama rubi,cindar,nisa doang ahuahua kangen aaaaaaaaaaah;b mana panas banget lagi-.---kan udah tuh yaaa pulangnya kan gue gaada pm yaudah gue ke uks aja sama dita mainmain liat buku di uks ada orang ya yang nulis gaoleeeeeeeeeeeeeeee banget wakakkaka ngakak se ngakakngakak nya gueeeeeeeeeeeee-.------------ udah kan tuh abis itu ada reno sama abuy bercandacanda lah gue sama mereka juga kan nunjukin tulisantulisan yang gue liat tadi wakakakka mana reno menjijaykan bangat lagi-,-ngahahhaah eeeh tibatiba si dita kan ngambil buku gitu kan tentang fotofotonya SBY gitu kaaaaaaaaan trsssssss....... tibatiba gue menemukan foto orang ganteeeeeeeeeng ya gue ambil lah tuh foto eh si dita marahmarah akhirnya karna gue orangnya nice person gitu kan(?)wakakak akhirnya gue kasih deh tuuuuh ahahahah pas mau pulang kan kita ngajak nindy ke mcd ternyaa dia gabisa tpnyaaaaaaa yaudah gue ke kantin aja makan bentar ais itu pulang deeeeeeeeeeeh ahahahaha ohiya buat tementemen ue yang lagi ldks semoga lancar terus gabby sama vita bisa dapet posisi yang kalian mau yaa di BPH aminamin:')

Bye Bloggieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee<3

Jumat, 05 Februari 2010

what love is?

emmm okay hey bloggieee;--D sebenernya sekarang gue mau ini sih copy puisi dari blognya kak tika latifani hihih(maafyakakngambilngambilaja-_-)tapi emang puisinya bagus banget dan yang bikin sebenernya kak henna sama kak tiara,let's see guys<3

a guy and a girl can be just friends
but, at one point or another they will fall for eachother
maybe temporarily,
maybe at the wrong time,
maybe too late,
or maybe forever

right now, i'm lying in my bed
writing this words with a lot of sparkling tears..
suddenly i think of him
a guy that i crush since i was a little girl
everyday at school he walks through me
how can i make he starring at me?
embrace me?
singing silently with his guitar in front of me?

until he doesnt notice me at all
all i just want is be in his side till death us apart

i love him with all my heart even he doesnt know
i want him to feel happy even iam not apart of his happiness
i always wish him luck even he hate me
because i love him too much

time has gone so fast, many days i've spend to impress you
next year youll grown up as a teen boy
how can i forget you?
after many days i see you everyday

now,many years i have to spend without you
i'll cry when i remember how we first met!
if i could just re-set my life
i want to spend that time once more
to be honest i really really miss you

really nice poem kaaaaaan?huah sudah dulu ya kawaaan